Freeze-dried mystery mix
Freeze-dried mystery mix
A mystery mix of currently available freeze-dried fruit and vegetables (anything listed in the Pick and Mix product, even if some options are not available for sale, may be included in the mystery mix). Will not necessarily contain fruit and vegetables - may be just fruit, may be just vegetables, may be a mix.
There are about 2.5 cups of fruit and vegetables in the big bag or about a dinner bowl’s worth. The big bag dimensions are 15cm x 25cm x 5cm.
The small bag contains a handful and can be used as a sample size to try if your bird likes the new textures and flavours. The small bag dimensions are 10cm x 15cm x 5cm.
The sprinkle option is for the smallest birds (budgies, lovebirds, finches) and for those picky eaters who may want it sprinkled on their foods or for those who can't bite very well (lorikeets). For the sprinkle, the mystery selection of fruit and veges will be slightly blitzed in our herb blender. Similar texture to Harrison's mash and an excellent choice if you're trying to convert your parrot to pellets - mix with some seeds, some pellets or mash, and add the sprinkle for extra flavour and more texture variety.
If you want to pick specific fruit or vegetables in specific amounts, then please purchase the Pick and Mix products.
Feeding Instructions
Feeding Instructions